Monday, January 12, 2009


The previous post was written a few days ago and I've been screwing around with trying to get pictures added since then! Grr. This dang blogsite doesn't seem to make it very easy to add pics or videos, especially not in any random spot as I wish. I have a cute video of the piggies romping and playing in the straw which I couldn't figure out how to post here.

It's currently 21 degrees and snowing. Going to get 3-5 inches tonight, and then the deep freeze descends upon us, with lows around 15 below and wind chills near 30 below. It's nothing unusual around here. You just know it's going to happen, and you deal with it. I've hooked up a couple heat lamps in the pig barn, and added extra straw to their bedding. Bought a backup heat lamp just in case. Also bought a heat tape for pipes. Hoping we won't need it, and we probably shouldn't in these temps, but if it ever goes past 15 or 20 below, pipes can start freezing and these things are always sold out at the hardware stores so it's a good thing to have on hand. Being in a new (to us) house, you never know what surprises the house can have for you in these kinds of weather changes.

Getting ready to process some pork! Bought an upright freezer from a lady on Craigslist - now we just have to get it to our house! The weather hasn't been helping in that regard, when we have had the time and the help lined up, her driveway was coated in ice. Oh, well, it looks like next weekend is going to be good. Been calling around and getting quotes on shipping to the east coast :) Good thing it's January!

And I've been looking into what it would take to smoke some of my own meats and make my own sausages...mmm. Check out the link below to a clip on youtube on how to smoke a pork butt and turn it into pulled pork. I had been thinking that this batch of pigs would hold us over until next year for pork...but now I'm not so sure!

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